Thursday, 5 June 2014



Well we have just spent a fantastic 6 nights at a site just outside Tarragona which has something for everyone from it’s mediterranean beach life, Roman history, seaside facing amphitheatre, maze of cobbled streets, cathedral and sandstone buildings.  

And then there’s the modern part with the main street and shops along the Rambla Nova with it’s pedestrian walkway in the middle and balcony at the end overlooking the med and nearby port. 

Along the Rambla Nova there is also a fountain and a huge human pyramid bronze statue which apparently represents and old tradition in this part of Spain.

The campsite was again right on the beach and at one end you could walk up onto the rocks and then up through the pine trees into a huge walking area above the sea called the Punta De La Mora. On route there were a couple of more secluded little sandy coves although they seemed to be a favourite spot for naturists……! We had a day walking 16 kilometres through the Punta De La Mora and back.  

We then had another day where we paddle boarded right round to the next main beach resort at Playa De La Mora which was a 20 kilometre round trip which was fantastic as we were just hugging the coastline there & back.  The water was so clear we even saw a huge sun fish which was a bit scary at first as the first thing I saw was a fin sticking out of the water and I thought maybe there are sharks in the med after all!!!

We have surprised ourselves as since we left Tarifa we really have seen all weird and wonderful sides to Spain but have managed to find beautiful unspoilt places to stay at in between the larger cities and more touristy resorts and we now feel quite settled here.

We are on the move today to Vilanova just outside Barcelona and are looking forward to meeting up with some friends and more importantly Julie’s mum and dad who are also very excited as we said a tearful goodbye to them back on 4th January, 5 months ago now.

We were lucky to get the blog done this week as we bought a few days wi-fi but when we tried to log on it didn't work.  We asked at reception and believe it or not they told us that someone had stolen the copper cable up the road overnight, it made us laugh as it's the same back home, mind you it was all sorted out within 24 hours which surprised us for the Spanish......!

We will keep this week’s blog short as we will have lots of stories and photo’s to share next week but in the meantime here’s a link to a little video I have made of Tarifa & Sierra Nevada.

Adios for now.


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